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Thanks for the highly positive (green pills?) and constuctive feedback SUHO :) I was thinking the same about the buttons, the problem with the FF mouseover only working intermitantly is rather annoying - i am wondering if it is because the animated gif is set to run once and not loop? i doesn't matter as i am going to lose them i think. The spacing between the buttons is caused when the text wraps to 2 lines and increases the margins between them. I was going to go with bigger buttones but at 800x600 and even 1024 x 768 they wouldnt fit. This si also why the font is smaller than i would like. I may just lose the round buttons altogether. didn't spot the press page issue - thought i had tested it - shows how a second pair of fingers and eyes help you see something obvious :p I was just thinking the images page needs fixed foward and back buttons as moving your mouse is just plain annoying. cheers Ben
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