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Computer locking up in rotation... awakward!
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Hmmm... DCOM Stands for Distributed Component Object Model and the scm thing is, as the name says, a generic host for services. Looks like some service is trying to instantiate a component every three minutes and failing, and it is tightly intricated in your explorer.exe mechanics. You can take three routes from here, you should take all three. 1) Find one of these error messages, when you double-click it, do you get a link to the MS knowledge base? 2) Copy/paste one of the error messages to google, with quotes, to find more info. 3) Intuition: is there something that occurs regularly, some service which fails at startup, something that should be "listening" (like an antivirus and other tray tools) during your Windows sessions (and something which is installed for all users)? Could be a browser plugin, could be anything that acts as a "waiter" and runs along explorer.exe or iexplore.exe. You can also safely apply the "sfc /scannow" trick I gave above, and the regclean thing (because a service and related component are the cause, and because the registry contains settings for such things - and the whole system). We're limiting the possible causes now, and finding our way. The best for me to be able to search root causes, is to copy/paste the exact error messages for each of the two errors in your application log here. Just double-click an entry to get the error description. [img]http://www.beyondwonderland.com/data/images/sigs/devil2.gif[/img]
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