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Computer locking up in rotation... awakward!
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Skaarjj, I am sorry, but I am categoric: this is not a virus. Insider may take your advice, of course, but imho, it's a waste of time. Virii hide better than this for one, and the more he gives details, the more I am fleshing out the real cause. I've also copy pasted your error message into google. The weird number between weird quotes is Iexplore, as it is registered in the.. registry. (regedit-> search it, and you'll see it corresponds to IE). That guy here: http://www.tek-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=1082303&page=1 Has apparently found a way. NOT disabling Dcom (although you can safely disable it), but the following solution he provides. I understand you're just a user, but you're a few clicks away from fixing it methinks. I can't provide Windows screencaps as I don't have a Windows machine handy, due to my laptop dying on me (I am on Mac OS. I HATE OS 9 btw). But google "enabling Dcom", you'll find your way to the dialogs the guy in the link above describes, and then you can do exactly what he did, it's safe, and should solve it. Also, try the same search (with the whole error message between quotes), and then append "msdn" or "microsoft knowledge base" to your search to have a very technical msdn description... assuming it is a known issue (it doesn't seem to be, otherwise google would have returned it as first result). Apparently, a software component related to IE is causing DCOM registration issues. This component, for some reasons, tries to do something every three minutes. It may be a normal Windows "job" though, and most probably is: such a timed action sounds like, for instance, the clock trying to upgrade, or if there is a fan control, maybe the fan control soft querying the cpu temp, etc. But I can't see a virus doing this every three minutes, I can't think of a reason for it. Same for spywares. [img]http://www.beyondwonderland.com/data/images/sigs/devil2.gif[/img]
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