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Computer locking up in rotation... awakward!
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It could be a non-software cause. => A possible hardware cause. In any event... Does it do the same if you create a new Windows user profile and use that to login? * This one is important: often, applications degrade because some data in the Windows user profile has become corrupt. Have your recently installed new device drivers? * Revert to another version of the drivers, or remove (this or that new driver that could conflict with an old one) and check. Does the comp overheat? I strongly think about a hardware issue though. Without being able to see the problem, I assume "all Windows" is freezing every once in a while, and this just doesn't make sense to me at a software level. I mean, Windows has the exclusive control of the display, and delegates privileges to other applications when needed, so basically, if there was one software acting up to the extent of freezing the complete activity of the pc, then the mentionned software would be Windows itself. And it would act up for exactly 2-3 each few minutes :) It makes even less sens if we still are talking about a software issue. So? Don't make assumptions anyway: consider some hardware component is likely to die soon, and backup your data first, then investigate possible causes, one by one. And between major software modifications, reboot, or better yet, shut down, to let Windows store the newly modified settings and try to start in a stable state.
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