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Computer locking up in rotation... awakward!
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...Consider seriously remastering that pc, eg. backup/format/reinstall. If you want to keep your local settings, they are stored to {systemroot}:\Documents and Settings\{username} So back that up among things. Because, in the amount of time it'll take for me to guide you through a resolution, with all the misunderstandings due to various factors, computers will have been replaced by genetically created pocket multipurpose bots, and we will be in some cryogenic sleep state waiting to be resurrected. ... If you persist in tracking and removing the root cause, though, then I've just tested a bunch of sysinternals on my home pc, and there's a better one for you, one with a cool gui on top. A sort of super-task-manager, and by far one of the best. http://www.sysinternals.com/Utilities/ProcessExplorer.html When you use it, sort by cpu, and in the "view" menu, check all "show" options. The most important is the "show process tree". And try to spot which one freezes, and post us with a screencap. It's easy, the one which freezes will have something close to 100% cpu. By monitoring the process tree, if it's a program that depends on another, we can track the exact originator. Can't do that with the normal task manager.
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