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Computer locking up in rotation... awakward!
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Don't have webspace, but bottom line is I've found the program. When it's not locking up, 'System Idle Process' is taking up 80-90% of my CPU, but after a little research I've found that to be perfectly normal. However, when it IS locking up, I've located the program that's doing it. When it locks up, '[b]winlogon.exe[/b]' is now taking up 80-90% and SID is down to 10-20%. Once it's done locking up SID is back to where it was and winlogon.exe goes back to 10-20% CPU usage. I've typed winlogon.exe into google and found [url=http://www.liutilities.com/products/wintaskspro/processlibrary/winlogon/#D15262392]this[/url] useful definition. It's a backdoor trojan that hides itself in my comp to steal and send out personal information. I also found another discussion of this virus [url=http://www.neuber.com/taskmanager/process/winlogon.exe.html]here[/url]. After searching for [i]winlogon.exe[/i] on my hard drive, I've found that I have: [i]WINLOGON.EXE[/i] in [b]C:\i386[/b] [i]WINLOGON.EXE-0957F9B2.pf[/i] in [b]C:\WINDOWS\Prefetch[/b] [i]winlogon.exe[/i] in [b]C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32[/b] So basically, I have to somehow determine which one is the real winlogon and which one is the virus. Then I have to disable/kill the program, and finally delete it from my hard drive. And probably run adaware afterwards... So. My question is, how do I determine which one is the virus?
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