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Computer locking up in rotation... awakward!
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Yeah, if it obviously is a process (explorer.exe), investigate that. With those info, it starts looking like a software issue to me. (still, what we can say for sure is that it is machine dependent, so OS/application layer, or Hardware, the error is not located "above" those levels, in application settings or such). A virusscan is a good idea. And, in order to repair Windows software components, you can use, for instance, start>run>scf /scannow with your Windows XP CD (restores original windows files). You can also use a reg cleaning utility, but the only one I would recommend are regclean from Microsoft, the only +/- reliable ones. And you should also uninstall the video card drivers, reboot, then reinstall them. Once all these have been done, you'll have a virus free system with software components in their original state. Reinstalling the driver on top of a regclean then means installing it on a stable system. It should help already. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To better "target" the cause, you can also use the Windows event viewer, for application logs in this case. If there is a warning or error every three minutes in the application logs, copy/paste the error description to google and you'll get Microsoft's workaround/fix for the mentionned error. Other than that, there are detailed diagnosis tools available from sysinternals, but you won't need them unless all that I suggest above fails.
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