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Geek Check! (aka the Dr. Who Thread)
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OK, so when I was young, I was a huge Dr. Who geek. Watched it every Saturday night on PBS. I still have a load of books and a toy Dalek or two tucked away somewhere. (Plus Peter Davison's autograph.) I even caught the movie they aired on Fox years ago that failed to resurrect the series here in the U.S. I was mildly excited to hear they restarted the series recently, and I've become more interested as I've heard it's actually not bad. And, interestingly, I've been dating a girl who, as it turns out, was a Dr. Who geek when she was young, as well. (We're both cool enough now that watching such things makes us interesting, not nerdy. :) ) Well, as luck would have it, the SciFi Channel is premiering the new series on March 17th! I haven't seen any publicity on it -- I just happened to see it on the SciFi site when I was checking some Battlestar Galactica info (seriously, I'm really not that into sci-fi) -- so, I thought I would just share this news with any closet fans here who didn't happen to know about it. >Humming the Dr. Who theme< [url=http://www.wesleytreat.com/][img]http://www.bigwaste.com/asylum/sig_wtlogo_events_01.gif[/img][img]http://www.bigwaste.com/asylum/sig_events_01.php[/img][/url]
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