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Keep the Marines in the dark.
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Yes, I belive that the second post was the one intended. Now, being a Marine that was recently deployed to Iraq, I know firsthand of the bull crap that is blocked out there. As is stated in that article, we can only check our email via the .mil accounts, unless you wait the sometimes hours to check a MWR computer that is allowed access to hotmail and the like. We were also not allowed to have computer backgrounds that depicted girls in provacative atire (military definition of provacative atire is anything other than the face/hands showing). For those of us who like to play games (console or computer) we were not allowed to any gaming forums or sites that gave strategy guides/codes ect. about the only things that we could do on those computers (other than work) was go to car forums and such, keeping in mind that if a post on one of those forums had questionable images, you better hope that nobody is monitoring your account at that time. I just think that it is rediculous(sp?) that we are out there fighting for our rights and those of our loved ones back home, and we cant even have pictures of our wemon on our computers without getting yelled at for it. And on top of that, I dont know how all the .mil mail servers were out there, but the one that I was on was constantly crashing and only up about half of the day, meaning that it was almost impossible to comunicate with family and friends back home. Well, I just thought that I would give you all some more insight to the lives of deployed Marines.
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