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IE JS/DOM performance degradation weirdness
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My 2 cents, but I badly remember these situations, haven't done js for a long time, are: It is not as simple as "many elements = less speed". It comes down to some memory management issue me thinks, and there has to be a js way to prevent it. This reminds me of how painfully slow it was to "inject" one new layer at a time in the innerHTML of a document, as opposed to how fast it was to rebuild the whole innerHTML and then inject that. It also reminds me of Liorean mentionning something about dom traversal.. Are all nodes always created on the fly? Because this would sound bad to me. Some pre-coffee brainstorming: js in ie doesn't like "on-the-fly" instanciation added to large dom traversal. It would "love" pre-baked references to instances instead of "100%" on the fly. Do I make sense? My.. I need that coffee now. Wait, yeah: [quote] preparing data -> creating elements -> creating objects -> linking objects+elements -> append to body [/quote] And you are suprised it takes 500ms? [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/5827]_Mauro[/url] on 03-08-2006 08:11)[/small]
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