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IE JS/DOM performance degradation weirdness
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[quote] [b]Scott said:[/b] I have not had time to try making an isolated test case, but it may be worthwhile. I would be interested in knowing what part of the browser/JS engine is "bottlenecking," (object look-ups, ?) and if there are techniques that can be used as far as JS code style etc. to avoid the problem. [/quote] If you do find time to make one, I'd be very interested to see it. I'm currently working on a project where I'm about to generate and handle large amount of div tags. Would be good to know about any possible issues before I find them the hard way... I've made some "benchmarking" tests earlier with my vector graphics engine to compare the rendering speeds between creating objects with the DOM approach, innerHTML and insertAdjacentHTML, with and without buffering the tags before outputting them. What then turned out to be fastest was to use insertAdjacentHTML on each tag (no buffering). Don't know why though, but I'm not sure it's going to be the same in this new project since I now have to destroy a bunch of objects before/during generation of new ones. /TwoD
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