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IE JS/DOM performance degradation weirdness
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Can you hear the smooth, sweet voice of InI on a rampage? Fine. IE7 SUCKS BALLS. And huge ones at that. Gave it a whirl after you posted the link, bit, and it has to disappear from the surface of the planet. It has the same issues, copies FF poorly, is not usable at all, AND adds security checks of the poor, that do prevent the user from using at best. On to the actual issue... [quote=Scott] The key point from all of this: If I delete the objects for the currently-active page before moving to the next one (at which point 100 new objects are created, etc.,) the performance / render time is consistent and does not degrade. I have not had time to try making an isolated test case, but it may be worthwhile. I would be interested in knowing what part of the browser/JS engine is "bottlenecking," (object look-ups, ?) and if there are techniques that can be used as far as JS code style etc. to avoid the problem. [/quote] And more than a month before Scott got back with these observations, guess who had nailed something very similar? [quote=InI] As in mem leaks in an environment without garbarge collection you mean? Have you tried explicitely "destroying" the elements that are not in use through (some DOM method)? Something like deleteNode or deleteChild. [/quote] So I'll trust my sixth sense, and will assume that IE is implicitely deleting references to objects when you change page... But not the actual object. This is exactly what happened to my first OGL apps, pointers to objects where removed when options were being changed, but the actual data and memory space remained, leading to the application gently slowing down and finally dying. This may be due to specific circumstancies: may happen on this or that Windows setup for this or that reason: the issue occurs on the applicative layer, but is it related to the user profile? How does it work on other Windows setups? If you can reproduce the same issue on several different environments and user profile, then I am afraid you've found a Microschmuck secret feature, aka consequence of poor software engineering, aka lovely little MS bug. I am afraid all you can do is bug report, and assume internauts will not switch to IE7 because, as a long time IE user and advocate, I have to say it's gone lower than I'd ever had suspected it could go. IE7 must die. And it's engineers should be restructured. I have plenty of work for them. ...In my backyard. [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/5827]_Mauro[/url] on 04-18-2006 12:46)[/small]
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