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IE JS/DOM performance degradation weirdness
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Thanks for the replies! (_Mauro, you are/were InI? ;) ) To clarify, the time it takes to do all that stuff is <i>increasing</i> by 500 msec each time. It takes <1 second to do in Firefox, 1.5 seconds perhaps in IE the first time.. and every subsequent page is +500 msec after that in IE (eg. 2 seconds for page 2, 2.5 seconds for page 3, etc.) I am cloning an offline (referenced within JS, but not appended to document.body) collection of nodes, doing all the work and finally doing a single append (as opposed to appending each node individually, just do the parent that holds them all) to the body - which seems to be pretty fast as you mentioned, so the browser only reflows once (similar to doing .innerHTML, logically.) From what I've found, it seems that it's "walking the DOM" that is being slowed the most. Assuming this is related to the number of elements in the document (and even then, it seems odd given I'm trying to control scope etc.), it's a bit disturbing that even "offline" elements appear to be considered at this point. I was looking into documentFragment ideas also, I'm going to investigate this further. The idea of separating "offline" nodes further from the local document's DOM sounds crazy enough that it might just work. I wonder if there's any difference between a JS object in memory like someNode = document.removeChild(div); and someDocumentFragment.someNode, though. [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/2276]Scott[/url] on 03-08-2006 18:15)[/small]
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