OZONE Asylum
Stupid Basic HTML
Stupid whitespace making me crazy
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I have looked at this page in Netscape, Mozilla, and Firefox, and cannot reproduce the 'skids up and down'. The error in IE - I would recommend changing the 'height=130' to 'height=!00%'. Can't say for certain that'll do it, but it seems like a start. Honestly though - there is so much bad practice going on in this code it's just silly at this point. You are basically asking "what's the best way to do this the wrong way?". It is very difficult to devote time to fixing something the wrong way. It's difficult enough keeping track of how things work the right way ;) You say you don't have time to learn CSS....but you are designing web pages? That's a lot like a mechanic saying he doesn't have time to learn about disc brakes... The technology evolves, and at this point tabled designs of this nature are outdated to an extreme and are just plain old bad. It's also important to note, that although you haven't been around for ages, the last time you were here asking for help you were pushed in the direction of CSS. It's really, at this stage, a do or die issue. [url=http://in-dented.com/sigs.html][img]http://in-dented.com/sigs/knot_sig_32.gif[/img][/url]
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