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Philosophy and other Silliness
Short in humor? Bad Internet joke or?..
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:confused: Somebody happened to send "one of those emails", some sort of joke. To me. And an ex. Who is a classmate and is doing anything she can to ruin my life in class. The joke was a quizz, promising results... a not-so work compliant one to start with, with questions about favourite sexual positions, sent to me, another classmate, and my ex. At the end, the quizz informed me it had been submitted to my classmate. ..along the equivalent from my filthy ex. I got a bit bitter, and slapped him verbally, sarcastic, but making fun of him at the same "level" he had played. Talk about a shitty class, we're all 27 years+, not 15, I brought this to his attention, among kind words. I find the use and existence of such a "joke" outrageous: I don't really care about his reasons to... investigate my sexual past and the past of my ex, and keeping us informed of this fact??:confused: But he has stolen information from me using the internet. Am I being a.. you know... moron of some sort on this one? Or is it my right to stand against such a provocative abuse of my private info?
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