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Philosophy and other Silliness
Short in humor? Bad Internet joke or?..
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[quote]InI: Or is it my right to stand against such a provocative abuse of my private info?[/quote] If it was not extracted from you against your will, not really. One has to ask, why fill out the quiz in the first place? Keeping something "personal" means keeping it to yourself so that others can't take advantage of you in ways you prefer not to be taken advantage of. If I want to keep something personal, especially something that could put me in a bad light or possibly embarrass me, I keep it to myself, in both the real world and especially the virtual one. Whether they asked your consent or not is irrelevent, you willingly gave the information. Seems like you need a good heaping serving of caution and a nice tall glass of "streetsmarts." My advice is the same as f1 and Lacuna. Be cool man. Any Retaliation on your part will bring you down to their level. Rise above the petty shit, stay away from or ignore petty people, two very important rules toward aquiring a life of contentment. There are billions of people in this world, so why let a few of the little willingly ignorant vermin ruin your day? In short, who gives a fuck? People suck. And quit stewing over shit also, you're going to have a stroke by the age of 60 if you keep it up. ;) Roll with the punches. Learn from the one that knock you down. That is how we learn. FWIW, Ram [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/1866]Ramasax[/url] on 03-16-2006 05:33)[/small]
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