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Lama Rama, it was extracted against my will, as I pointed out above, it was "disguised" as one of those anonymous personality tests. I have to stress it really look like the anonymous quiz, as stupid as my taking part to it seems. The petty people argument is correct, but this is an exception, and while I thank you all for your advice, I'll have him pay, for the sake of drawing that line I mentionned. He was in class yesterday, and refused to talk, refused a consensus or to tell me what the hell he was doing with my info, adding to my arguments. He was extremely pale when I looked at him, his eyes never crossing mines, and ran away when he - casually - happened to be alone with me before the lift... he muttered something like "I'll take the stairs" and walked aways trembling. .... He is terrified on his own.. I did not threaten him or anyone else physically in that class, ever, but I am tall, and scary in looks. And this is all a more reason to show him I don't need violence to resolve a conflict: he refused mediation and discussion. This is not about vengeance, this is about justice, respect and balance. ..................... In the past days, a couple of other stories of this kind, with less impact, had happened to me, and in those issues, once I firmly decided to react, actively or passively (creating distance silently or setting my limits verbally), I got a person who hadn't shown the smallest bit of respect towards me for years call and apologize. I hate spanking babies, but sometimes, you just have to. End of rant. Big thankyous.
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