OZONE Asylum
Philosophy and other Silliness
Short in humor? Bad Internet joke or?..
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:) Funny stuff JK. Still, the quizz basically does something illegal in many western countries. And F1, it was a bit more intrusive than that. 1st things 1st, my company policies are against such webpages (profanity, sex-talk, blah...) and I am monitored-a-lot (and he was supposed to know). Then the guy has asked "not to have to stand between her and me"... only to collect infos about her, and my, sexual practices and letting us know. It's no biggy indeed, but it is provocative, letting it go may be an option, but I just don't find the joke funny, and the context even less: do I really have to laugh? You get the point. And about the "not being legal" aspect, that shit joke sent private info about me to someone without my consense... this sole fact is a mini-concern. It was like "yeah, question 10, my latest long term story was shit, and the x still is a pain in the behind as if nobody on this mailing list knew..." Bitter memories, and the guy who was stealing the details had had an argument about me ASKING ME to avoid mentionning her. Hell, urging me to avoid mentionning her at all costs. -------------------------------------------------------- In other circumstances it could even have been funny, but he knew it was sensitive and has explicitely broken rules he insisted to set between us.
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