OZONE Asylum
Philosophy and other Silliness
Short in humor? Bad Internet joke or?..
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Ok, more details. The article 179 forbids registering information about a person without his/her consense, and sending this to a third party, or using it for personal purposes, among things. This person has sent me a quizz which was supposed to establish an automated profile based on my answers, so I was tricked into thinking I was talking to a bot. Both the website who uses this practice and the person who used this website have infringed these articles, as they have fooled me into thinking I was submitting my information to a bot which could not use them, and did it without asking for my consense, and sent the result to a human third party. Wether or not I am the one who filled it (this is a moral concern at best), I never agreed to these informations being used this way (this is the legal issue). Additionally, he, and my class, have commited several acts of calomny, behind my back, after the story with the ex (eg. insults, illegal as well). There is the personal issue of struggling against jealousy, hypocrisy, and the behavior triggered by my "I don't care but I succeed" attitude, that's for sure, and that's one of the disturbing aspects. There is jealousy as well: a supposed friend asking stuff like this from my ex is insulting per se. But there is the legal issue of joining acts to the words, and pushing me to provide informations which have been, abusively, collected for his personal pleasure. ------------------------------------ Last time you told me "no tit for tat", you were considering this from a moral perspective. The latest policeman and lawyers who I talked to told me "In doubt, take legal action. At least if the conflict degenerates, there will be a record of your original claim". And it proved right. ------------------------------------ Finally, I have tried all means to get the males of my class to stop acting like I had hurt theyre inner wussies: kindness, discussion, ignorance for months... they keep doing shite like this because of who I am, not what I do, they hate my high salary, my partying all the time with girls, and my ease of learning and adaptation.
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