OZONE Asylum
Philosophy and other Silliness
Forced Fatherhood
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I do see your point, I knew you'd have one, you seem a pretty steadfast guy that doesn't blow where the wind takes you. I'm an "extremely limited government intrusion on personal space" guy as well, and I do think that ultimately abortion is the woman's decision. I wouldn't mind if there was laws against it one bit, but I'm not dumb enough to think that would suddenly stop the "option". In most cases I truly don't care what the law of the land is, I always endeavor t obey it sure, but in the end I measure my actions against what I believe to be a higher standard than that. So in most cases, I don't care what the laws are and try not to get too caught up in it or the debate of it. It's funny how close together our views probably are. It's interesting to me that what we'd likely find ourselves emphasizing/spinning in public debate might well leave listeners coming away with the impression that we're nowhere near one another in terms of pov. We're preachers ;) Back to the topic at hand... oh yeah, I'm finding it hard to care about weighing in on this here :p [url=http://disk919.com/][img]http://www.disk919.com/sig/jason.gif[/img][/url][url=http://serveit.org/][img]http://www.disk919.com/sig/serveit.org.gif[/img][/url]
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