OZONE Asylum
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Forced Fatherhood
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[quote] [b]WebShaman said:[/b] Sometimes, sneaky and dirty things happen. If you wish to avoid those, then prevention is the key. And it starts with one person, and one person only - you. [/quote] I'm with WS on this one. Sex and deception have a long history together. "I can't get pregnant" and "I'm on the pill" are right up there with "I'll pull out" and "I won't cum in your mouth." And let us not forget, never tell someone the truth if they're ugly, because you won't be getting any. [quote] [b]poi said:[/b] I return you the quesion : was the guy supposed to ask her her medical examinations and the diagnostic of her doctors ? [/quote] Well... yeah. Now I'm not equating the two results here, but the concept of presuming deception applies equally. In my crowd, the pre-tumble question is not "Are you on the pill", but "Are you (HIV) negative?" Only a fool would assume everyone told the truth about their status. So for many of us, the rule is play safe no matter what someone tells you about their status. If it gets serious, you get tested and hear the results together. (Although there's still potential for deception here as to fidelity.) The point being, I accept the possibility that a guy will lie to me in order to get into my shorts. If I want to have sex and avoid risk of HIV, we'll both be wearing condoms, no matter what he says. Why are hetero guys unwilling to accept the possiblity that a woman will lie to get into their shorts? If he wants to have sex and avoid risk of pregnancy, then he'll be wearing latex, no matter what she says. And no, I don't like having to wear the damned things either. [img]http://www.brucew.com/ozone/b-ozone-sig.gif[/img]
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