OZONE Asylum
Philosophy and other Silliness
Forced Fatherhood
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I agree with most of what has been said but I have a few further issues with how things seem to actually happen. Yes, people having sex need to be responsible for their actions... BOTH people, financially and in parenting (depending on how they choose to deal with the situation). In other words. If the father is forced to pay for the child he should be granted, by default, equal time with the child (barring legal issues of safety) unless he chooses not to accept it. I don't agree with the guy being bled dry without ever being involved in the child's life. That isn't support. That's funding. Financial support from one side of the equation and parenting from the other side of the equation doesn't wash with me. It seems to me that too many times it defaults to the mother getting money and the father getting limited or no access to the child regardless of how interested he is in being there for the kid. The system is loaded in one direction and, so far as I can see, it only leads to anger and poor parenting situations for the kids. GD
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