OZONE Asylum
Philosophy and other Silliness
Forced Fatherhood
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[quote]If a government can decide that one group of human beings are not persons, and that they can be killed, it can decide the same for other groups as well. If freedom of belief justifies violence against a baby, it justifies violence against anyone.[/quote] As far as I know, government very well does decides who lives and dies and why. It's pretty much the most common instinct of civilization. Government will always kill something/someone in order to protect the interest of their own agenda. Roman's persecuted/killed Christians, Christians persecuted/killed pagans/"witches"/Jews, Nazi persecuted/killed Jews, American's persecuted/killed Communists/Vietnamese/and now Arabs, so on and on. It's silly to assume that government's role is to protect "everyone" due to the fact that it never will. Apparently government has no problem carrying out capital punishment. Sure you could argue that the person is "dangerous" and must be terminated, but wouldn't it be a hypocrisy? I don't mind so. Same thing goes for Abortion. I think the biggest issue revolves around how people perceive life nowadays. Due to the market capitalism, reality seems to be a bit distorted by commerce and advertising. Babies are viewed as some cuddly and cute Johnson&Johnson products. Scientifically speaking life is pretty much everywhere including plants and parasites. Humans just simply have tendencies in changing value of life in order to make their civilization functionable. Death will happen and killing will happen, you can't prevent it, but you could control it. Thats why there are rules that separate manslaughter from first degree murder. I think jade that your emotions and subjective reasoning prevents you from seeing a bigger picture. I have read your posts and in the end I am not sure I can follow your arguments. My $00.02 [url=http://www.rsad.edu/~amatveic][img]http://webspace.ringling.edu/~amatveic/signature.gif[/img][/url]
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