OZONE Asylum
Philosophy and other Silliness
Forced Fatherhood
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I read the link, and I've read all responses. GD points out my(underlined) idea on the subject. [quote][b]GrythusDraconis said:[/b]Yes, people having sex need to be responsible for their actions...[u]BOTH people, financially[/u],[/quote] Most of what I have read here is that the [b]MAN[/b] is the soul source of "child support". Where is the womans financial support? From what I know child support is based on a percentage of what a man makes. Meaning a man's child support has nothing, or very little to do with what income the woman makes. In this story, he's a computer programmer,............and she's? I wonder who's income is higher? In short, [i]"If you're going to be in that situation, you either make sure to take the proper precautions or you prepare to accept the consequences."[/i], and this should be equally shouldered by both the man AND the woman. And until that exists as a fact, men will always get the raw end of the deal. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ " Overhead the albatross, hangs motionless upon the air "
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