OZONE Asylum
Philosophy and other Silliness
Forced Fatherhood
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[quote][b]DL-44 said:[/b]Are you saying I am not allowed to remember what you have previously posted on this subject?[/quote] Not at all, but a link might be nice. Or am I supposed to just take your word for it? [quote][b]DL-44 said:[/b]From the cases I've seen, it takes a whole lot more than just the father's financial contribution to accomplish this.[/quote] I agree. And yet the cases I have personally witnessed, the man supports the majority of the total costs for the child, never the woman. [quote][b]DL-44 said:[/b], but disappear shortly thereafter, offering no support during or after the pregnancy. Then act victimized when they have step up and help out.[/quote] "Dead-Beat-Dads", yes we're all aware of this. But the laws today, leave little or no room for the man to question the support demanded of him. And while you might not like this sort of lawsuit, South Dakota created a law, which will inevitably be challenged in a court of law, and will be struck down as unconstituional. Why? 1) To put pressure on the Supreme court, 2) To get R-V-Wade in the news, 3) To get more people to re-think the landmark decision, 4) In hopes of over-turning the case, 5) Which is a Federal law Now if a US state can create such a frivolous law, knowing full-well that it will fail the scrutiny of the Supreme court, why would you deny this man his day in court? In this case, there is not a more suitable phrase than; " What's good for goose, is good for the Gander".
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