OZONE Asylum
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Forced Fatherhood
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[quote][b]NoJive said:[/b] In short... the Judge is/becomes an accountant who as we know know the cost of everything and the value of nothing.[/quote] I agree, even though I still doubt that ALL judges are good accountants as well. Here in my US state, the main goal is that the children go to the woman. I doubt it's a rule, but I think it's the general view of the courts. This also gives rise to whether each case is un-biased, if the judge is a man or a woman. Of the family effects Ilived through, and what is going on in my brothers life, I would still have to say that the man, more so than the woman, is the deciding factor of monetary support. Maybe this comes from past historical incomes men make, compared to women, but seeing what gay men are capable of doing, I think the courst minds should change, as to who can better help in the growth of the child. As usual, I think the courts are unaware of this country's changes as to what constitutes a FAMILY, as well as these judges are still biased against alternative views. Especially when I man crys foul, the courts COMMON SENSE is outdated, which sheds light on this case as STUPID or WRONG. Society today is NOT a 50's style mentality, and until people/judges/lawmakres wake up, change will take longer than necessary. And millions will suffer from it. Just my $ 0.02.
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