OZONE Asylum
Philosophy and other Silliness
Forced Fatherhood
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OK. Poi... All I am saying is that the girl could of lied about her medical condition and he got her pregnant....So what should a guy do in this case?... Regardless, he was willing...He took a chance that she was maybe not sincere, so it was his call too...Now she carried the baby to full term.. Just because she may have lied doesn't make it ok for him not to have any involvement with the child be in upbringing or financial... The same thing happend to a person I know. Her son was having sex with his girlfriend and since she was in school she wanted to wait after she finished college and then marry and have babies... But the guy started seeing someone else and she got scared of loosing him so she got pregnant on purpose...Though she did do this it sitll his repsonsiblity because you take the chance everytime you have sex.
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