OZONE Asylum
Philosophy and other Silliness
fuck, what to do!
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[quote]actually to clarify the reason this means something to me also is because until now I haven't ever been able to develop a meaninful relationship with people, holding them at arms length or using them. So I feel selfish about that.[/quote] Seems to me that A has an attraction to guys who are unable to develop meaningful relationships. (Note the similarities between you and S.) Speaking from a history of that attraction myself, it's not a good sign for you, her or any sort of relationship. Wish her well and move on. (This may take some doing because you seem to have already developed what's called an "enmeshed" relationship. Ask your therapist what that means and why it's not the best.) Then, develop your relationship skills and find a girl who is attracted to good ones, rather than poor ones. [img]http://www.brucew.com/ozone/b-ozone-sig.gif[/img]
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