OZONE Asylum
Philosophy and other Silliness
fuck, what to do!
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oh, well i guess the situation is resolving itself. but actually the advice really helped because I rather took it and we're on the track to becoming friends again. we just decided to remain friends, or you know, as much as you can. but yeah, thanks guys. i hope this keeps looking upward. yeah, her dad is actually worse than i described. last year we (S, A, I and some friends) drove to san francisco to see a concert, and were gone for a week during spring break. She didn't tell him and he wasn't even phased by it. WTF??? that's fucked up. But anyways, he's getting counseling for his anger problems. Looking up. Yes, haha, longest post ever. I bet that has to be one of the formal debate topics. yeah insane, not the last girl. OBviously others and I don't seem to have a problem with that much anymore. Sucks that getting drunk all the time BECOMES your social skill instead of developing them. Ha. And have you ever even used nicotine gum? haha, worst thing in the world. It gives you the runs like nothing else, and hardly even works.
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