OZONE Asylum
Philosophy and other Silliness
fuck, what to do!
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Being clean is the greatest feeling in the world. I kind of wonder what seperates teenage experimentation from actualy drug use. I think it's personality or something. After binging on speed and being constantly doped up I have a newfound respect for being clear-headed. Effects some people differently though. My uncle could do coke and drink every other day and be completely fine, and didn't even go through withdrawals when he quit. Then again I have friends who got addicted to "recreational" "oddball" drugs like pcp or dmt or ketamine. I dunno though. That aside (not that anyone cares) the past one and a half years of my life have been the happiest I've ever experienced. Actuatlly quitting God was the most exciting and relieving experience. Somehow that seemed to be the primary barrier between myself and society. I'm finding myself a few years too late and making all the mistakes a normal highschooler makes a few years too late. I just need to get that out. It's exhilerating. GAH. It reminds me of Daedelus' quote from Ulysses: "History is the nightmare from which I am trying to awaken." Actually my whole experience has affected me more than I thought. I used to consume history voraciously. I can't anymore. Can. Not. I used to think my college major would be european history/art, but the concept of studying the past is almost sickening to me. For whatever reason. That's obviously not a healthy intellectual paradigm, but I find more use in extroversion, literature, communication, and society now. !!!
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