OZONE Asylum
Philosophy and other Silliness
fuck, what to do!
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[quote] [b]cfb said:[/b] So in that sense it's selfish. [/quote] All relationships are selfish. All actions are selfish. Before anything else, accept that. The trick (in general) lies in balancing those selfish things in a way that makes you and the other person happy and healthy. [quote] [b]cfb said:[/b] and I couldn't even be a friend to her, or him [/quote] There nothing wrong with being able to admit that. The problem comes when you *can't* admit that. [quote] [b]cfb said:[/b] He can't actually move out because... [/quote] Anything following that "because" is COMPLETELY irrelevant. If he is living in someone's house, and is abusing a member of the family, nothing else matters. If he can't control himself where he is, *his* problems don't matter right now. Imagine that this is your daughter. Imagine having a person living in your house that is abusing your daughter... There is no time to feel bad for him. There is never time to feel bad for someone abusive while the abuse is going on - to even suggest so is frightening, and I hope very earnestly that you look specifically at that aspect of this problem before anything else. She doesn't need someone to talk to after these things happne, she needs them to stop happening. One more reason to get out of this now is because, indirectly, you are enabling the abusive activity by your involvement here, and by your sympathy for him. I hope you the best - it's not easy to be where you are. Pursuing this now can only lead to bad experiences. Walking away now may open it up to a healthy outcome in the future, if it really is meant to be. FWIW [url=http://in-dented.com/sigs.html][img]http://in-dented.com/sigs/knot_sig_32.gif[/img][/url]
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