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Teleportation? The US Air force mentions it..
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[quote]TwoD, actually, one of their most "feasible" proposals sounds like the p-teleportation, the one made by psychics. ... That's advanced physics, not Star Trek. [/quote] I was talking about sf-teleportation, which is quite different from p teleportation. Mmmm, quantum entanglement... Half Life anyone? Btw, what did happen to that cat in the lab? Oh , speaking about cats... I've heard the cat-in-box story before and I find it odd to think about it like that... We know it's either dead or alive, but only one of them is true since it's only possible for it to be one of them, even if we know it or not. No matter how much we want it to be, there's never a potential that it will be both dead and alive at the same time, since that would contradict itself. Unless it's an undead cat... Anyway, I think that example simplifies the problem a bit too much... /TwoD
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