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Teleportation? The US Air force mentions it..
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The object is in both states. When a measurement is taken the quantum state collapses to one of the possible outcomes. These are the same theories that are used in quantum cryptography (current being used) and quantum computing (still being worked on, last I heard we were up to 7-qbits, but we need about 100 for anything useful). In the example of the ball going through the wall, you are talking about probabilities that are so remote that they are hardly worth discussing. As for the artical discusses a whole lot of fringe ideas, and makes use of a lot of ideas and theories and technologies that do not even exist and might not ever exist. This artical reads like an attempt to make material ideas that are not even solid theoretically. Other than the idea on quantum entanglement based teleportation there is so much science lacking tha further research on these topics is foolish. There is far too much basic science that still needs to be researched before we even begin to look at attempting to make a product (teleportation) out of them. p-Teleportation is a topic in and of itself. It did not appear to have any theoretical backing to it and is largely based on a good deal of observed phenomina. This is great if you are planning on performing party tricks (such as was discussed in the artical) but far less useful when you are attempting to perform scientific research. In my estimation this artical is purely science fiction. It has as much science as any of the SF novels on might read would have. It mentions just enough to caputure your imagination, but nothing even close to enough to create a useful device. Dan @ [url=http://www.codetown.org]Code Town[/url]
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