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Teleportation? The US Air force mentions it..
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Mauro, all very true. I have to agree that money going towards this kind of research does make me happy. I would be even happier if I saw money going toward more basic research. When you spend money on discovering a product you will have trickle down into new knowledge of basic scientific principals. However when you study basic scientific principals you have the potensial of openning doors into products that people might have not thought possible before. I am still not one hundred percent sold on some of the basic premises of quantum physics, and I do not believe that all of those who study it (and are infinately more versed in it, and and far more intelligent than I could even hope to be) are completely sold on it. The basic premis of the duality of the quantum state is still debated. There are those that believe that the quantum is in a dual state until observed and then there is another (much smaller) camp that believes in a multi dimension universe theory (all states exist in different universes and we get one option when we measure something). I believe that we are currently in a period of discovery with quantum physics much like the period of discovery of the properties of the atom. What was started was an interesting theory about particals floating in a goo, and what emerged was the concept of vacuum and electrons orbitting protons and neutrons. I think there will be a great discovery about these largely unknown properties that will make people say "Oh, that makes a bit more sence" (it might be "Oh you crazy grad student get back to work tuning the laser" you never know). My overall take is that science is constantly evolving and changing. You can not know with certanty what will happen in the next 10 or 20 years and it is very exciting. I believe we are lucky to be alive in a time of such great posibilities. Dan @ [url=http://www.codetown.org]Code Town[/url]
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