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Teleportation? The US Air force mentions it..
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Hmm, looks interesting. Let's say teleportation turns out to be possible in the Star Trek way. (Which, unfortunately, isn't discussed in the report.) The Star Trek way: a person is disintegrated by a "beam" and stored in an electronic buffer and then later reassembled by another beam either on a different location or on the same spot, depending on the success of the transfer. This raises a few questions... Could people be "stored" in electronic buffers, and thus "skip" through time? Everything stored electronically can be replicated (lol Star Trek reference...). That would mean I could create thousands of me in a matter of minutes simply by not flushing the buffer... If I can create thousands of me, which one of them would be the "real" me? If I would meet one of my clones, I'd know he'd not be "me" since I'm standing here, feeling exactly the same as I did before the beaming... I'd know I'm the real me since nothing says I'm not and everything says I am. The weird thing is, that also applies to him... :rolleyes: What's even weirder is, the same thing would apply if there were no clones and only one me. How do I know I'm the same person with the same soul (in lack of a better word) as before the beaming? Especially when knowing that there could have been 999 other me, all identical in body and mind. :confused: /TwoD
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