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Teleportation? The US Air force mentions it..
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For the cat example it should be noted that when you put the cat in the box you are also putting some poison in there (might help the analogy a bit). There is often the question asked "If a tree falls in the woods and noone is around, does it make a sound?" The real question would be "If noone is around can a tree fall?" If noone is around this hypothetical tree is in a superposition of states. It is both standing and fallen. When someone observes this tree the super position collapses and it is either fallen or standing. There is a good deal of wiggle room with complex examples such as a cat and a tree, but when you take it down to the partical level things become much easier to work with it is far easier to create a theory about the individual unit as opposed to working on a collection of units. Now, the above is all a scientific theory. There is a lot of math and science behind it. But I still feel that there is something missing that will make all of this jell. At this point we still are having trouble measuring small objects, when you take a measurement you affect the object. The advances of quantum entanglement make this possible, but there is still work that needs to be done. Dan @ [url=http://www.codetown.org]Code Town[/url]
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