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Philosophy and other Silliness
Teleportation? The US Air force mentions it..
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[quote] The cat is alive and dead at the same time, and no, that's not impossible, that's how it is. [/quote] Show me a cat that is both dead and alive at the same time and I'll believe you :p Note that your quote says "to us", which basically mean it could be anyhting else, it's just the way it looks to us... In my opinion, it's impossible for us to know if the cat is dead or not, because we'd need to [i]measure[/i] it by opening the box. As long as the box stays closed, we can not say if it's dead or not, for we have no data to build our assumptions on. Yes, there is always the probability that the cat is both dead and alive, but to actually confirm it would be impossible, because our "measuring equipment" will only tell us if it is either dead or alive at that given moment. And to us it wouldn't really matter what state the cat is in when we don't observ it, since it's only during observation we would find a useful answer. Meh, got myself confused again. :confused: Anyway, discussions like this are fun, since none of us can really prove it's either this or that way. Or both at the same time for that matter... ;) /TwoD [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/5008]TwoD[/url] on 04-04-2006 21:38)[/small]
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