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Teleportation? The US Air force mentions it..
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Hey 2d, the discussion is fun, but my point has been proven already, not by me: quantum physics is based on experiences that work, otherwise it would just be theory, like Mage pointed out. But it is not, and Mage is wrong on that. It is not anymore, it has been acknowledged and accepted as "scientific fact", unlike p teleportation. And this has been done something like.. 10 to 20 years ago! Basically, wether there is poison or not in the box is pointless, and the fact an object always exists in all it's potential states has been proven using photons. Photons have been proven to travel two or more paths at the same time, and this condition has impacted measures in experimental conditions: photons have therefore been "tested" as things that can exist in several states, and travel several paths at the very same moment. It doesn't even make sense to ask questions like "which state is the cat in when we don't observe it": it's a classic physics stance, and you're trying to analyse something that is not classic physics. In our quantum based universe, when nobody observes it, the cat is in both states (it really is) with a higher probability for one state IF it comes to be measured. And the cat is not "aware" of itself, so we can assume it's not able to measure it's own life quanta, making it a real "living-dead thing" when it's inside the box, wether there is poison or not at all. Some scientists explain this with a "multiverse" model: each time reality can fork, it does fork, but two parallel universes cannot interact with each other, and one option is more probable, until it gets measured, becomes fact and history. ---------------- Again, unlike p-teleport, quantum physics is NOT theory, it is FACT and has been for several years now. To prove me wrong, you'd have to take apart the conclusions of several quantum experiments, maybe get yourself a cyclotron, and show me another explanation to quantum entanglement, because wether you like it or not.. wether your mind is flexible enough to deal with it or not.. the cat is dead AND alive when it's inside the box.
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