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Teleportation? The US Air force mentions it..
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TwoD, actually, one of their most "feasible" proposals sounds like the p-teleportation, the one made by psychics. And it strongly suggests extensions to the current quantum physics theory. Lil' reminder or introduction to some quantum theories: an element, any element, potentially holds different states simultaneously and it is only upon measurement that the most probable state will be ..measured. That's advanced physics, not Star Trek. Basically, quantum physics and computing assess that (to strip an example down to it's core principles) when a cat is locked inside a box, it is 50% dead, 50% alive, until measurement occurs. Eg. until someone takes a sneak peak inside the box and finds the cat to be 100% alive or dead. Quantum physics was introduced to explain things that classic physics could not, and it models reality from a point of view where not only each thing depends on the existence of it's opposite (to be or not to be? 1 or 0?...), but exists ALONG it's opposite state, in different probabilities (qubits, 1 and 0 at the same time). Psychics being able to teleport stuff in experimental conditions, under constraints, sounds like some unmeasured physical notion allowing one to totally alter the set of probabilities behind a given measure. My head aches. Off for a coffee...
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