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[quote] [b]Zynx said:[/b] But I wonder if the majority of the % of vehicular problems exist from bars. Not all acciedents come from bar patrons, so where does the majority reside? I surmise that they are teenagers-high school, and early adults-college. So if that were the case, should bars be STRAPPED, if the majority is not their fault? Perhaps those who have this machine, called AWOL (Alcohol Without Liquid), which vaporises spirits with pure oxygen, that is then inhaled, which goes straight into the bloodstream via the lungs, might be a better option. [/quote] Ok, so I'm still at a loss as to [b]why[/b] and [b]how[/b] using such an idiotic device is in any way a better option as relates to either drunk driving or the problem of police arresting people in bars? :confused: You still get 'drunk' with such a device. It is, after all, the only point in using such a device. Your intoxication would still be detectable, and would still have the expected results when attempting to operate a vehicle. [url=http://in-dented.com/sigs.html][img]http://in-dented.com/sigs/knot_sig_32.gif[/img][/url]
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