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[quote][b]cfb said:[/b] No, I mean alcohol abuse (liquor or beer) is scientifically proven to affect the brain. Why would they ban alcohol vaporizers as opposed to alcoholic drinks? Because drinking alcohol has its own system of checks and balances, so to speak?[/quote] I think the jury is still out, but there might some issue with having the alcoholic effects immedaitely sent to the brain, and people not aware of how many huffs, and inhales equals a buzz. So maybe alcohol poisoning could be the issue. Of course, "all things in moderation", might answer that possibility.[quote] [b]cfb said:[/b] But, like smoking/snuffing, the effects will come and go much faster than when drunk, I would think. So perhaps you could take a few hits, be drunk, socialize, do whatever you want to do, and be more readily able to drive more quickly.[/quote] Right. Try it slow, and see how it effects your particular body, then go from there. [quote][b]DL-44 said:[/b] You still get 'drunk' with such a device. It is, after all, the only point in using such a device. Your intoxication would still be detectable, and would still have the expected results when attempting to operate a vehicle.[/quote] I believe the effects, like cfb mentioned wear off faster than drinking the alcohol. Which would account for people to be less intoxicated, while waiting less time, than a person who ingests alcohol. I still think it's stupid to justify drunk driving offenses, by arresting people for being drunk in a bar, BEFORE they leave. But if this form of alcohol consumption, allows people to SOBER quicker than ingesting alcohol, then why isn't that a benefit? I thinks it's one hour of wait time for every 12 oz beer, or 1 shot of hard alcohol, for the human body to maintain sobriety. I do not know what this machine offers, but since the human body, when ingesting alcohol, breaks down the alcohol at a constant rate, inhaling it would eliminate that constant breakdown, as well as the consistent alcohol absorption. Take a few hits, get a quick buzz, then wait a few, and the buzz goes. It's got to be a buzz that runs it's course faster than ingesting alcohol. So today we say, drink some water, and wait it out, then your sober enough to drive. This machine would eliminate those scenarios, and being sober to drive, or legal to drive, would truly take less time, less calories, and would give the human body less long term medical problems. Of course the jury's still out on the potential possibilities.
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