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[quote][b]DL-44 said:[/b] Well...you say "it's got to...", and while part of me wants to believe that, I'd like to see some actual evidence of that before agreeing that there is any such benefit. Of course, it would only be a benefit in a very limited context anyway.[/quote] [b]After some further research;[/b] 85-90% of ALL alcohol is absorbed through the lower intestine. After that the liver filters the alcohol from our bloodstream. And it does so at a constant rate. No matter what. Only the size of the liver can change it's filration ability. Of course genetics always plays a part. Now inhaling alcohol has it's own destructive demons. This I am sure. Yet whether or not they are worse is debtable. But for now, compared to the already proven damages that ingesting alcohol can produce on the human body, I think it's a safer alternative. Of course all things in moderation. I have dealt with alcohol for many years in my short life, and I'd like to think that I have some "life" knowledge of the subject. As many of you others might have. With little or no studies on this subject, I am weary of it's affect on me. But as usual I see the medical establishment placing fear of the unknown above common sense. [i]" Professor Oliver James, head of clinical medical sciences at Newcastle University, said: "By snorting the alcohol it can go directly into the brain[/i] [u]without being filtered by the liver.[/u]" [b]side-note;[/b] The liver filters alcohol from the blood, BUT only AFTER it has introduced into the bloodstream. Professor or not, I think he's wrong. [url]http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/news/articles/9177271?source=Evening%20Standard[/url] [i]" When a shot of vodka or whiskey is poured into an AWOL machine and inhaled, however, alcohol enters the lungs and diffuses directly into the bloodstream, causing a much more rapid and potentially more intense buzz. "[/i] " Are you ready? Are you ready? The let's bring it on! " [url]http://www.slate.com/id/2106393/[/url]
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