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Judas wasn't ?
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I kind yawned thru the whole judas special. Didn't get a rise out of me or seem very revelant to me as there were many forms of Christianity trying to take hold after Jesus died and ressurected. Gnosticism has filtered thru the ages never taking hold as faith. Though there are some froms of many gnosticisms here today they are not strong movements... as Suho related if you took many interviews on what you thought of Jesus ministery at his times you would get thousands of different interpretations.. Look how many Christian faiths we have today. Though I have no doubt Judas is in Hell as Christ related at the last supper to John his apostle "that it was better that he not lived for what he was about to do" His greatest sin was Pride and that is why Judas parished in Hell. [quote]quote:"they have produced a new generation of Christians who now regard the Bible not as the literal word of God, but as a product of historical and political forces that determined which texts should be included in the canon, and which edited out. For that reason, the discoveries have proved deeply troubling for many elievers."[/quote] Troublings for who? Many like I do feel scriptures revealed are guided by the holy spirit. This spirit cannot lie or decieve or hide hidden writings it should of put in the most holy book ever written. The writings of Judas were are never meant to be part of scripture. You do not give much credit to many Christians who know what to take as literal and what to take as historical and what to take as teachings. Cannon of scripure was put together by the early popes and bishops.. It was decided as a tool for guidance in faith.. Not all of faith. It was decided then that it would be offically closed and nothing could be altered in meaning or added to it. [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/3156]jade[/url] on 04-14-2006 15:40)[/small]
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