OZONE Asylum
Philosophy and other Silliness
Judas wasn't ?
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Suho - you will henceforth be known by the name "collection of paradoxes" =) I have a hard time finding this in particular fascinating. I have long talked about this version of the story being a very plausible one, given the rest of the gospel story. According to the story itself, Jesus would *have* to be killed in order for anything else to mean anything. The idea that Judas would act on Jesus' behest is quite fitting, and makes more sense than the popular version. As for different versions of the gospel - hell, I've talked for years in discussions here about the wide variety of gospels available prior to the 4th century (and many of the well beyond that time as well). The canon of the bible was hardly a unanimous decision, and was never actually made 'official' until sometime around the 16th century. The more discoveries like this particular text that come to light, the better the chance of more people understanding the actual process that spawned the bible. Whether you are a bleieber or not, understanding the reality of it is extremely important - how sad I am for people who fight tooth and nail for what is said in the bible, without having any grasp on the book itself. [url=http://in-dented.com/sigs.html][img]http://in-dented.com/sigs/knot_sig_32.gif[/img][/url]
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