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AD&D The Demon Saga Continues
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My very first DM was just plain awesome. Just an all-around great DM. He let the party roam, he directly manipulated the party, and places in-between. We honestly never knew if the DM had his hand in our decisions. Just bloody awesome. Would we race the rival merchant and win a wager? Or would we be guards on a boat? He had excellant balance. Not just between roaming and direct, but balance between party and personal. Sometimes he would mess with the party as a whole, and sometimes he would mess with individuals. I got the 80% XP rule from this guy. I eventually tried my hand at being DM. I have a good balance of town, forest, and delving. But my general style is more situational and free-style. I would set up situations and let the party stumble upon them. I'm not really good at the long champaigns. I remember TSR put out a bunch of random encounters on index cards. Put a little meat on the encounters and you have my style. ---- Typical WJ the DM encounter Party is walking through the woods. Path, clearing, log cabin on a lake shore. As they approach, a naked female walks out and burts into flames. She is gone when the smoke clears. If they enter the cabin, there is a naked man relaxing a nice leather couch that is too nice for the decor of the cabin. He is smoking a cigar. The cigar smolders where his fingers touch it. The couch is also smoldering where his skin is touch the couch. Maybe even some burn marks about the cabin. What's going on? The female is a minxy little fire elemental. She is having a tryst with the guy in the cabin. The guy in the cabin is an effreet. Why would they be trysting on the material plane in human form? Because the guy is married to a very jealous fire giant, but he won't tell you that right away. Basically have to cull it from his with questioning. But he doesn't want to give away too much about himself and his situation. Also in the cabin is a boring cauldron. Competely boring until pointed out by the guy. He wants the party to take the cauldron and drop it in the middle of the lake. The cauldron is how he and his wife go back and forth between material and fire planes. If it's at the bottom of the lake, she'll have a hard time coming through and whipping his ass. He will also be able to claim with perfect honesty that he did not put the cauldron there. In return for this, he will be in service of the party. You know, a favor, but short of a wish (if they even figure out that he can grant wishes through questioning). I ran the party through that and it turned out rather well. They dumped the cauldron in exchange for the guy to join the party as a spell-caster. This is the impression they got from him after various questions, so that's the capacity he filled. He made his casting style very alteration oriented. And where ever they went, the effreet was womanizing. Once in awhile, they would catch wind that a giant female was after them, and they would run for the hills. They never did get the whole story or find out that the guy was *far* more than a mage. They knew he was powerful, but not how powerful. ---- Our current DM is very much into intrique. Factions, minor players, major players, motives, agendas, and all that jazz. No matter where you go or whom you talk to, there is *always* something going behind the scenes. Just when you thought you had everything figured out at it's deepest level, there is another pair of eyes staring at you. Even hardcore conspiracy nuts would go WTF? Even when we are straight-up spelunking Undermountain, there is intrigue. The last time we were in Undermountain we ran into a lone drow that whipped our muscular buttocks. We ran into the same drow much later in a very far off place. Something as simple as that makes us ask a lot of questions. Was the drow following us? If he was following us, for his own benefit or for someone else? If he wasn't following us, what was he doing in Undermountain and later in Talos? What is his connection between that drow in Undermountain and later in Talos? Not only is he good at intrique, but he can free-style the intrique. Not many people can do that. Gads.
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