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AD&D The Demon Saga Continues
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Was chatting with DM the other day. I asked him how the party sans WJ defeated Ruckus and Makial. What they did was talk to Makial using telepathy. It was the only way they could talk to him without Ruckus butting in. One fine day, right in the middle of a fight, Makial turned on Ruckus. He stuck his sword right in him and sucked his life right out. I also asked him about the connection between Dancer and the dagger. He said that he hadn't worked it out just yet. With what's currently going on, he's fairly certain an explanation will present itself. As it turns out, the dagger was created by Ao's son. He did this in defiance of Ao's creation. What a devious little brat. He's not really worried about table-talking most things with me. He knows that I can keep my information seperated from my character's information. Even though I've been talking a lot about Mask, my current character doesn't know that Mask is involved. Why, even on a few occassions, I've worked with him on a few of these things.
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