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New site look review please
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I've had a lot of free time lately, and that's let me fall back into my habit of redesigning my website. This time I wanted it to not just look like a blog, but would like to feature the other artwork I've done and also the writing/articles/stories I've posted. It's not very fancy [i]per se[/i], but I tend to go for simpler designs. Right now, the only pages that I think aren't complete are the actual portfolio pages. I would like to change from the slideshow software I'm currently using (PHPSlideshow) and look into something like Coppermine or Gallery, but I'm not sure how customizable either of those are. My main goal would be to have the image gallery at least match the colors of the rest of the site, if not be integrated into the layout. I've tried to keep my code as clean as possible, but who knows. It's a mix of PHP (via the blog software) and HTML since that is what I'm familiar with. Right now only the index and the links pages are pure HTML, the rest are PHP generated using the blog software and smarty templates. The index page is a bit plain, but I'm looking into somehow inserting/pulling the latest blog site news post there and I need to expand the random image selection as well. So, any suggestions on the layout/design? Critiques, props, etc? The site should work fine in both IE and FF (one of the reasons I tend to K.I.S.S. Site link --> http://coeurdefeu.com/ _____________________ [sigrotate][img]http://coeurdefeu.com/sigs/asylum_sig04a.gif[/img]|[img]http://coeurdefeu.com/sigs/asylum_sig03b.gif[/img][/sigrotate] [url=http://coeurdefeu.com]coeur de feu[/url] :: [url=http://www.gamergod.com]GamerGod.com[/url] Qui sème le vent récolte la tempête!
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