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when recommending to a client you should be comparing shared to dedicated, not shared to shared. The nature of shared hosting means certain problems that are common to all, but when you compare the cost to dedicated, with your customer, they're much happier to suffer the hiccups they'll inevitably experience with and shared hosting :) That said it's been very rare that I've had a client of mine contact me with a hosting issue, they never notice the occassional brief downtime. You will get calls if mail service is interrupted but with DH that's been only momentary lapses for the most part. In the last 5 years I've had one client using shared hosting ever call regarding a true email service outtage. They have 30 mailboxes so they've more likely to notice than the small shops and we've had the shared vs dedicated talk so they know the risk/benefit/cost alaysis stuff. The more you can keep your clients in the loop to a certain degree as described above, the more they trust you and the more comforatble they feel. Like everything, people fear the worst unless they know different. [b]as for [/b]Dreamhost's recent string of troubles it's for real, but mostly FUD from n00b users signin gup for the great deals and being completely out of their element. The real troubles they are facing are growth which means a lot of things in alot of different areas, but they're good people who will work to get things to top notch asap. One of their growth problems has to do with power at the moment. They are in the same datacenter as mediatemple among others and with power costs rising, and servers getting beefier (sucking more power), the building doesn't have enough power. They're upgrading power to the building but they've suspended sales of dedicated servers since I dunno? September? when I was with Jaguar on a site they were in the middle of growing pains like DH's, but it was much worse and I went running back to DH. Bob tells me they cleared up shortly thereafter :) I hope the "much worse" is not a sign of things to come from DH I'm late for church, hopefully that's enough foo for now :p [url=http://disk919.com/][img]http://www.disk919.com/sig/jason.gif[/img][/url][url=http://serveit.org/][img]http://www.disk919.com/sig/serveit.org.gif[/img][/url]
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