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what seperates a good host from the bad in the shared world for me is responsiveness and transparency when dealing with problems. Your client just wants service that never causes them any pain. Most hosts with a good reputation are a safe bet but you relly should explain the differences between shared and dedicated, an under-promise over-deliver philosophy will keep you a hero. Other things that seperate good from bad are probably all webmatery things and no consideration for the client at all. I used to heavily prefer DH's approach to things: nerdcore. They use Debian Linux which is usually a little behind other distributions but rock solid and secure. THeir configs are focused on sp[eed and security so some canned scripts and coding philosophies need to be tweaked to accomodate, not so much so any longer however. They use their own hand made control panel (web panel) that is miles beyond what standard redhat/cpanel hosts can manage in terms of seamless integration with all facets of hosting/business management things, or so it used to be, haven't been with a cpanel host in a long time. The standard RedHat CPanel host differs from DH in that they are more standardized, CPanel is not just a control panel, it largely dictates the way you will run your hosting business. DH does their business and builds their network and systems to suit. DH is much more flexible and able to respond creatively to customer input. Downside may be that as they grow things mebbe don't scale well? Where documentation is lacking a small change effects a bigger picture? All this is purely speculation on my part, just kind of applying experiences from other areas of life and business into this. DH is a hard choice to make right now. I wonder about their growth and how they're dealing with it. But all shared hosts have these kinds of problems at some point in their lifespans, if not multiple times on a cycle, it really is inevitable. If there's anything I can help you with from the specs side of the issue I'd be happy to. They make quite a lot of server side toys available and if you're truly a unix weiner you can do about anything you like! [url=http://disk919.com/][img]http://www.disk919.com/sig/jason.gif[/img][/url][url=http://serveit.org/][img]http://www.disk919.com/sig/serveit.org.gif[/img][/url] [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/403]JKMabry[/url] on 04-13-2006 04:23)[/small]
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