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Yes, well, intentions aside, the image is partially what it has become about. Putting it in context, though... the purposes of such .htaccss rules as you have listed is both a) to discourage people hotlinking to your site's images; and b) to encourage people who want to seethe real image to come to your site, and this maybe find more good stuff and keep coming back. Because that's what people are really doing when they hot link. They are stealing the bandwidth you pay for, and they are stealing the users who should be on your site looking at these images instead. So, what you've got there, it may 'discourage' people from hotlinking to your images (if, as Suho said, they actually know they're doing anything wrong, which I would guarantee about 80% of them don't). But does it encourage the users who may see the replaced image to come to your site to see the real thing instead? I doubt it. I think it encourages them to stay the hell away from you. Congratuations, through this attitude you're singularly ensuring that you fail to take advantage of the bandwidth being stolen from you by directing people to your site instead of the place they saw the image. You're also encouraging the 'net filter companies to block your site for inappropriate content, as well as potentially punishing a bunch of people for doing something wrong, with absolutely no indication of what it is they've done wrong. All because you decided to be childish and have some 'fun' with it. Be an adult about it, and take the time to craft a replace image that tells them and their users what they've done wrong, and direct the mto your site to get the real image instead. [url=http://sunday.yarinareth.net][img]http://members.ii.net/~skaarjj/tempus.gif[/img][/url] Justice 4 [url=http://www.justice4pat.com]Pat Richard[/url]
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